Staroslovanski semenj 2014, Ljubljana

Bilo je prekrasno! Zelo prijetno vzdušje, hvala vsem obiskovalcem in hvala vsem sodelujočim! Pri Veles Grafiki smo ponosni, da smo izpeljali ta zelo pomemben projekt s prostovoljnim delom, brez zunanjih sredstev. Zelo velika zahvala Hostlu Tresor, ki je dogodek omogočil s prostorskimi kapacitetami, še posebej vodji Nini Petruni Babarovič, in še enkrat hvala vsemu osebju za vso pomoč pri organizaciji. Predvsem nas veseli odziv javnosti na dogodek, kar nam vsem, tako društvu Slovenski Staroverci kot Veles Grafiki, daje veliko potrditev, da se naše poslanstvo vedno bolj udejanja, je slišano, sprejeto. Nadejamo se, da vam v naslednjem letu ponudimo prav tako lep dan kot letos. V nadaljevanju pa nekaj utrinkov z našega dogodka za vse tiste, ki se ga niste mogli udeležiti. Hvala Matiji Kendu in Robertu Mandiču, ki sta pomagala fotografsko obeležiti projekt.

Predstavitvena stojnica Društva Slovenski staroverci

Predstavitvena stojnica za prihajajoči film Kresnik

Predavanje Vratislava o izvorih slovanske mitologije

Predavanje Jožeta Muniha o megalitskih krogih

Družina Batista

Družina Batista

Trio Gita;

nagovor organizatorke Irene Urankar (

It has been truly wonderful, very warm and just a perfect atmosphere. As the organizer of the event, I would like to thank all those who participated in any way, friends, colleagues, brothers and sisters of our native faith. I’m very proud that we have managed to put this project into reality with our volunteer hard work and with no outside financial resources. A big thanks goes to Hostel Tresor, who offered room capacities, and for all of their work in helping with the organizing part, thank you so much Nina Petruna Babarovič for all your personal devotion. I’d also like to thank the entire Tresor staff. We are very happy how the public reacted to the event and that so many people showed interest – it is a confirmation for us all, for the Slovenian society Slovenski staroverci as well as for Veles Grafika, that we are completing our mission more and more as time passes. We are hoping to offer the public the same kind of event next year as well. Here’s a “few” pictures of the event for all those who couldn’t attend. Thank you Matija Kenda and Robert Mandič, who helped with the photos.


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